Cutrera Mills Experience:
emotions around oil

Tour of the oil mill, guided tastings of Cutrera Mill oils, aperitifs with products from the “Secrets of Sicily” line and unforgettable stays in the heart of Sicily, among the centuries-old olive trees. Discover the beauty of the Cutrera Mills experience.

Oil tour and tasting

In our new production plant, we have set up a special tour that allows you to immerse yourself,  in a journey of the senses, within the world of olive oil. It starts from the mill, with its innovative machinery, to witness, during the milling period, the various phases through which the olives are transformed into  precious green gold. We move on to the complex and articulated storage and bottling stages and end up in the canning area, where carefully selected local ingredients become delicious products.

The intense smell of oil that permeates every room, the large courtyard with its ancient millstones and the ethnic olive grove facing the establishment makes this journey a journey through time, suspended between past and future, as well as the tastings of products such as oils and preserves, with the story of their birth and the strong ties with Sicilian traditions.

Book “The Crutera Mills Experience”

  • 1 - Tour and oil tasting
  • Company tour and guided tasting of three of Cutrera Mills’ oil
  • 2 - Tour, oil and bruschetta tasting
  • Company tour and guided tasting of three of Cutrera Mills’ oil and aperitif with bruschetta and “Secrets of Sicily” olives
  • 3 - Tour, oil tasting and aperitif
  • Company tour and guided tasting of three of Cutrera Mills’ oil and complete aperitif with products from the “Segreti di Sicilia” line

The Cutrera Manor

Dimore Cutrera is our project to complete and enrich the experience that comes from our oil. We want to host those who want to immerse themselves in this world. A gate and a large arch mark the entrance to another dimension where one is suspended between the past of a mythical Sicily and the present of an experience to be lived: three typical rural houses overlook the large courtyard, u bagghiu Sicilian immersed among the centuries-old olive trees of our company. Each environment evokes memories of the past and memories of peasant life.

From here, with guided tours or even just aimless walks, the journey of our guests will start to discover our oil and our preserves, the family history, the green countryside that dresses the Iblei Mountains and the village of Chiaramonte Gulfi, the small ancient world, genuine and fascinating, where our roots sink.